Calorie Search Results

How To: Figure Out Your Total Calorie Burn in Apple's Health App

If you transition to an Apple Watch from another wearable like Fitbit, you might be a bit confused by the new calorie burn counter. Instead of ending your day with thousands of calories burned, your watch says you've burned just hundreds. Could it be you're less active with your Apple Watch? Probably not. It's more likely because of the different way the watch counts your calories.

How To: 'Quick Add' Calories for Snacks in MyFitnessPal to Keep Yourself Accountable for Every Tiny Bite

It's only normal to snack on a few french fries every once in a while when you're on a diet, but it's still important to hold yourself accountable, even when you cheat just a little bit. MyFitnessPal, for both Android and iOS devices, has a database of nutritional information to help keep track of the meals you eat, but it also has a way to add calories on the fly without digging for data.

News: Could Cooking White Rice with Coconut Oil Cut Calories?

White rice is cheap, filling, and tasty. No wonder so many countries in the world rely on it as a mealtime staple, including most of East and Southeast Asia. Alas, because of its relative lack of nutrition and its high calorie count, consuming lots of white rice regularly also puts people at risk for diseases like diabetes and obesity.

How To: How to make delicious, low calorie lasagna

Nicko shows us how to make a mouth-watering homemade lasagna. Lasagna is a very easy dish to make. This is a healthier version. Ingredients include celery, zucchini, onion, carrots, beef, lasagna sheets, oregano, cheese, beef stock, tomato paste, crushed tomatoes and skimmed milk. Saute the onions and some garlic until the onions are golden brown. Add chopped vegetables and stir until they are soft. Then add the beef and cook until the meat is brown. Season with oregano, salt and pepper. The ...

How To: Count calories to enable weight loss

This video gives tips on how to count calories in order to take responsibility for the food that you eat and your weight. Pick a daily calorie count for each day. Set a goal. That goal can be anywhere. You can set it at 1200 or 1800. It doesn’t matter. Weigh yourself regularly.

How To: Make low calorie spicy orange chicken

This is a healthier twist on the classic “Orange Chicken.” The main problem with the Chinese take-out version is that the pieces of chicken are first dipped in a batter, fried in oil, then wok fried again in the spicy, sweet orange glaze. While very delicious if done right, it is incredible high in calories. So, be warned, my version uses no oil and should not be compared to the style you many be used to.

How To: Prepare a low calorie fruit salad

In this video you will learn how to count the calories for this tasty and healthy treat, as well as how to slice a variety of fruit for your salad. You will also get easy to follow step-by-step instructions on how to prepare a gelatin mixture for this fruit salad recipe.

How To: Prepare a springtime fava bean salad

Whether you're dieting or you're simply watching out for your health, beans are one of the most nutrious, low-calorie, and filling foods you can consume. Because they're so high in fiber you can eat just a little and stay full for hours.

How To: Make peanut and dark chocolate hedgehog slices

Don't worry, no hedgehogs were harmed in the making of this video (at least none that we know of). And you won't have to sacrifice any hedgehogs either in order to make this mouthwatering orgasm on your tongue. Hedgehog slices are like brownies at the Olympic level. Chocolate chips and chocolate dough? Pssh, we're talking sumptuous dark chocolate, peanuts, saltanas, cookies, and more butter than even Paula Deen would use.

How To: Properly prepare & cook spaghetti squash

There are many ways to prepare spaghetti squash but this video takes your through a quick and easy method. First, pierce your squash with a fork and microwave it on a microwave-safe dish. Note that you should microwave the squash for an average of five minutes per pound. In this video, the cook is using a 3 pound squash so she microwaves her squash for 15 minutes. After it's done cooking, allow the squash to cool and cut it in half to remove the seeds. Now you are left with the squash flesh. ...

How To: Make a floral Birthday "cake" table centerpiece

This video describes how to make a "no calorie" birthday cake centerpiece with carnations in soft and sweet hues of pink, yellow, white and cantaloupe. first a flower foam was taken. Then the toothpicks were used to join the flower foam together. Then trace out a circle from the foam using a kitchen knife. Add some water to the base of the cake. With equal size flowers decorate the base of the cake. Then the cake is beautifully covered with different types of flowers. decorate with as many fl...

How To: Exercise to get 6-pack abs

In order to get 6-pack abs, the most important part of this process is to lose weight. You can do that by increasing cardio exercise and decreasing your caloric intake. There is an iPhone app that can help you called "LoseIt". It will keep up with your weight loss and your plan. It will tell you your calorie budget for the day. It keeps up with your calories. It keeps track of your food intake. It will keep track of your exercise.

How To: Make a fresh healthy mung bean sprout salad with Betty

In this clip, learn how to make an absolutely delicious salad using two of Betty's favorites: mung bean sprouts and fresh raspberry vinaigrette dressing. This salad is power-packed and contains a ton of protein, vitamins and minerals and is practically calorie free! If you are watching what you eat or just looking for something fresh and healthy for summer, give this recipe a shot. Enjoy!

How To: Make Yummy Balsamic Raspberry Vinaigrette

In this video from Betty's Kitchen, learn how to make a delicious low-calorie vinaigrette for your salads. This tangy dressing has just a hint of raspberry sweetness and contains no oil so you can avoid all the fat and calories that oils bring. It tastes great and will keep for weeks, possibly even months, in your fridge. Enjoy!

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