Bidet Sprayer Search Results

How To: Apply POR 15 for Rust

The Problem If you are working on a car restoration project, then you are going to faced with rust damage. This problem can’t be overlooked, as the entire project depends on repairing and eliminating rust. This would be like laying down new carpet to a house that was flooded, without cleaning the mess and making necessary repairs before laying the carpet down. The problem will still be there and the new carpet will be ruined.

How To: Get rid of fleas using household products

To get rid of fleas take a pan and put some water in it. Float a tea light candle in the water and light it. Take some dish soap and pour it into the water. Mix the soap into the water. You are not trying to make a lot of bubbles but the soap in the water catches the fleas. Put the pan in the flea infested area and the fleas will be drawn by the candle light. They will leap into the pan to get to the light. The soap will hold them in the water. Another way to get rid of fleas is to take 6-8 l...

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