Balanced Approach Search Results

How To: Do a board press on a snowboard

Sierra Snowboard describes how to pull off a board press on your snowboard. The most important aspects of the board press are using your legs to flex the board and setting up your body to balance over the press. Approach the press in an upright, balanced stance and move into the press. Flex down on the leg closest to the end of the board that you want to press and pull up your other leg. At the end of the press, give one last hard press of the leg and pop back into your centered stance. Alter...

How To: Open up the muscle tension in hips with yoga

Open your life by opening your hips. Tension in your hips may lead to low back pain and an overall tightness in the way we walk and the way we approach each day. Opening your hip area will reduce the stress in your body, improve your balance, and create a lightness that you can take into your day. Watch this video yoga tutorial and learn some moves to open up your hips.

How To: Pop an ollie on a snowboard for beginners

Sierra Snowboard demonstrates how to pop an ollie on a snowboard. An ollie is a basic but mandatory trick when riding a snowboard. When popping up on a snowboard do not jump off of your toes. If you jump off of your toes it is not considered an ollie. Make sure that you also do not jump off of your heels. First, keep your body square and balanced so that you are parallel with the board. Be sure to bend at the knees and not at the waist. Quickly shift your weight to the back foot. Load up the ...

How To: Do an acid grind on rollerblades

Kyle of Aggressivemall teaches you how to land an acid grind with aggressive skates.You should first go to your favorite curve to practice it as a stall. When doing an acid grind, your soul foot (or the one you use for balance) is placed along the grind bar and the other foot is placed like in a backslide. Once you get comfortable with the stall, you can start practicing the grind itself. For starters, you should approach the grind bar with a slight angle and moderate speed. While grinding, b...

How To: Improve any credit score with 3 steps

You should watch this video if you want to improve your credit score with just 3 steps. To improve your credit score: Check your credit report. It is where your score comes from. You can also get a free copy of your credit report once a year at Annual Credit Report. Check it for errors. Timing. If you're going to apply for a loan as the application month approaches, stop charging because if your balance happens to be reported while it's big, it will temporary lower your score. Don't close you...

How To: Master weight and balance concepts with NASA

Join NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) as they give the basics on the concepts of weight and balance as applied to aerospace. There's no better place to learn about aviation theory than NASA, the United States government's most infamous agency--the powerhouse of space exploration.

How To: Use gray cards to find white balance, exposures & more on a digital SLR camera

This fantastic, in-depth video dives into the gray card in probably every imaginable way that you could think using the Nikon D3 . Going over various different lighting it can be used for, custom white balance for preset manual, gray source point for white balance correction, accurate exposure in spot metering mode, and adjusting the camera's LCD display brightness, on top of a ton of information!

How To: Set a custom white balance with a Canon 40D

This video shows how to set a custom white balance with a Canon 40D camera. Whether you have fluorescent, yellow tungsten, or camera white light, you will still get a good picture with the custom white balance. The video shows pictures taken with the different lighting and different vibrant colors without the custom white balance that come out pretty good. Then a picture is taken of a white paper towel or something pure white. Then the custom white balance is set by going to the menu, white b...

How To: Balance chemical equations with MyTutorBuddy

Learn how to balance chemical equations with MyTutorBuddy. Learn about this in this video tutorial. There are four easy steps to do this. Step #1 – place 1 by the most complex compound. Step #2 – balance anything that is not an element. Step #3 – balance the elements. Step #4 – multiply by the lowest common multiple. The 4th step doesn’t always come in to play. The video demonstrates with an equation: C3H8 + O2 -> H2O + CO2. But, this equation is not balanced. Using the 1st three steps, the v...

How To: Balance chemical equations with Olivia and Andrea

Olivia and Andrea created a song to the tune of "I'll stand by you" by the Pretenders to teach you how to balance chemical equations. A chemical equation requires coefficients in order to be balanced. You can balance a chemical equation by making use of the Periodic table. The example reaction in the song is that of aluminum and oxygen to produce aluminum oxide (Al + 02 -> Al203). You can systematically add coefficients to the reactants and products to balance the equation. A chemical equatio...

How To: Customize white balance & temperature for perfectly colored photos & videos

Has white balance always been a problem in your photographs? Getting the perfect color in your photos is tricky business, even on digital cameras. This video will give you the ultimate information on customizing the white balance and color temperature for your film, video footage and pictures. Ritwika teaches how to obtain accurate color balance using various custom white balance techniques.

How To: Stop a horse from walking off when you mount

Rick Gore tells us how to stop a horse from walking off when you mount. The reason why a horse walks off when you mount it, it's because you trained it that way, when you've mounted previously you would allow it to mount off. Also when you mount you cause the horse to lose it's balance, and when a horse loses it's balance, it starts to walk a bit to regain it's balance. To stop a horse to from losing it's balance you should square it up, push the horse a little bit and it's feet will square u...

How To: Do the forearm balance yoga pose

Yoga is a great way to strengthen your body and increase flexibility. This how to video teaches a yoga pose for arm balance, Pinchu Mayurasana or Forearm Balance yoga pose. Yoga instructor Christine Navarro demonstrates the Pinchu Mayurasana or Forearm Balance yoga pose and provides instruction on how to get into the postures.

How To: Shoot free throw shots

In this edition of ClubHouseGas, with host Casey Bass, basketball coach Chuck Melito shows us how to shoot free throws. He shows us how to work on both the mental and the physical approach to free throw shooting. A right-handed shooter should place his right foot at the center of the basket. A left-handed shooter should place his left foor at the center of the basket. Then it's important to get balanced, so you're not leaning to one side or another, or more weight on one foot than the other. ...

How To: Set proper white balance on a video camera

When a scene is filmed, problems can occur in the final outcome of a scene if the white balance is not set correctly. If the white balance is off, a scene may look too orange, blue, or the color is just off in general. This video tutorial shows how to set the correct white balance on your video camera. White balance is what the camera considers to be white. Most cameras have white balance presets for both indoor and outdoor. This is because the light we perceive will vary depending on whether...

How To: Perform a standard non-precision approach and landing procedure in an aircraft

A pilot that earns an instrument rating is a pilot that's mastered his or her flight skills to a level or precision and accuracy needed to safely fly an airplane through clouds, fog, and other adverse weather conditions. While flying in these weather conditions, known as IMC, or instrument meteorological conditions, a pilot is tasked with flying an airplane solely by reference to flight instruments. The pilot needs to be able to go from takeoff to landing, without having any outside visual re...

How To: Get women by avoiding the 'weirdo zone'

In this video from Inner Confidence, they demonstrate how to not get too into a women's personal space. A way to not approach a woman is to approach her head on. It is much less intrusive if you approach her from the side. The girl in the video says that a man's attractiveness depends on his groundedness. Some guys to not realize they are socially awkward. When guys take this program they are more relaxed and the know what to say. She says a big turn off is a guy who is really feminine. A qua...

How To: Make nitric acid

Watch this science video tutorial from Nurd Rage on how to make nitric acid. They show three ways to make nitric acid based on two different chemical approaches, both of which can be done using easily accessible materials.

How To: Follow three rules to balance chemical equations

In this video, we learn how to follow three rules to balance chemical equations. The first rule is that you need to start by balancing elements that appear in only one reactant and one product. The second rule is that you need to multiply through by common factors. You must retain equal numbers of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation. The third rule is: if an atom appear in elemental form on one side of the equation, save it for last. Going over the rules of how the balance the...

How To: Teach your dog to balance and sit pretty

In this tutorial, we learn how to teach your dog to sit pretty and balance with Adam G. Katz. To do this, teach the dog to stay sitting back and balance instead of standing up by giving him treats in mid-air. This will help larger dogs learn their sense of balance by repeating this over and over with treats so they understand the idea of what they are doing. They will also get used to distributing their weight a different way than just standing fully up. Their sense of balance will improve ov...

How To: Easily balance a chemical equation

In this video, we learn how to easily balance a chemical equation. In a balanced equation, there should be the same number of atoms on both sides of it. There are no rules that explain how you get a balanced reaction from expression. First, start on the molecule or compound that is the most atomically complex. After you look at this, you can learn how to make the rest of the equation equal to each side. This is a complex process that you must walk through to figure out, but it will result in ...

How To: Balance chemical equations

n this tutorial, we learn how to balance chemical equations. This is a straight-forward concept to balance out both sides of the equation of chemicals. To start, you will need to analyze how many atoms in each chemical you have on each side. Once you do this, you will need to find what you can multiply by on each side to make them equal to the other side. Once you do this and have equal atoms on each side, then the equation will be equal. Remember that you cant have a half of an atom, so that...

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