Year Old's Search Results

How To: Create a hot New Year's party look for an older woman

In this video, we learn how to create a hot new year look for an older woman. Start off by applying primer to the eyelids, then brush on a light gold eyeshadow to the crease of the inner eyes and below the eyebrows. Next, brush on a aqua blue eyeshadow to the entire eyelid, followed by a sparkly blue eyeshadow on top of it. Next, brush a purple color on the outer edge of the eyes and inside the outer crease of the eyes. After this, apply black eyeliner to the bottom of the eye and the top. Th...

How To: Play chess and win in two moves taught by a 6 year old

In this how-to video, you will learn how to win at Chess in two moves. First, you will need a chessboard. Pawns go up twice at the start or once. They attack diagonally. Otherwise they just go up once. The castle, or rook, go up and down or side to side. The bishop goes diagonally in both directions. The knight moves in an L shape in any direction. The queen can go sideways, diagonally, forward, and backward. The king can move only once space at a time. Once the board is set up, you are ready...

How To: Take a three years old's vital signs in nursing

Studying to be a pediatric nurse? Then here is a nursing how-to video that teaches you how to take a three year old child's vital signs. Every nurse should know the basics of this technique, follow along and see how easy it is to distract a child and read their vital sings. Accurately taking their temperature and heart rate is an important aspect of nursing. These medical tips are sure to help you pass your nursing exam with flying colors.

How To: Play "38 Years Old" by Tragically Hip on guitar

Want to impress your friends by whipping out your guitar and strumming some of their favorite tunes the next time you are at a party? This acoustic guitar lesson teaches you how to play "38 Years Old" by Tragically Hip. Once you get a hang of these popular guitar chords and tunes, you can start incorporating them into your own songs. With this lesson and a bit of practice you will be able to play "38 Years Old" by Tragically Hip on the acoustic guitar. And who knows, maybe soon you can play l...

How To: Make paper look 200 years old using coffee

In this tutorial, we learn how to make paper look like it's 200 years old using coffee. First, take a regular piece of copy paper and then use a paint brush to paint a cup of coffee over the entire piece of paper. Use a blow dryer to dry the paper, then brush several more coats onto the paper until the brown looks like it' realistic. To finish, use distressed marks over the paper, then use a blow dry to dry off the entire thing. To finish, apply a couple more coats of coffee to the paper, the...

How To: Date if you're over 65 years old

Life and dating coach Donna Barnes discusses dating if you're over 65. There are a lot of people out there looking for companionship, and just because you are over a certain age does not mean there isn't someone for you! Try to find places that arrange activities for seniors, look online and find fun things to do with new people. You don't have to spend your life alone, a lot of people are out there looking to meet someone like you.

News: 4 Billion Year Old 'Fossil' Genes May Be Our Secret Weapon Against Infection

The evolution of our infection-fighting systems may have something to teach modern scientists. That's what a group from the University of Granada in Spain found when they studied a protein that's been around for over four billion years. Their work, by senior author José Sánchez-Ruiz and colleagues in the Department of Physical Chemistry, was published in the journal Cell Reports.

How To: Handle your four-year-old

By age four, you've probably noticed that every kid has grown and developed at a different rate. Those differences in development and growth are part of a concept we call “ages and stages.” This video goes through what you should expect from your four-year-old and how to make sure they are growing at the right pace. Handle your four-year-old.

How To: Teach the sissone ballet move to 3-4 year old children

If you want to teach your small children how to dance ballet, or any kind of dance movement, then this how to video is the place to start. In this lesson, North Dakota Ballet Company's Mary Noel demonstrates how she teaches her 3-4 year old students sissonne. This method, set to the music of "The Teddy Bear's Picnic," involves hula hoops and teddy bears. Watch this tutorial and you will be able to teach your children the sissone dance move. Teach the sissone ballet move to 3-4 year old children.

How To: Teach the pas de chat ballet move to 3-4 year olds

If you want to teach your small children how to dance ballet, then this how to video is the place to start. In this lesson, North Dakota Ballet Company's Mary Noel shows you a fun way to teach young students how to do a pas de chat. The pas de chat means "step over the cat" in French. This method, set to the rhyme od "Jack Be Nimble" and uses small unlit candles. Watch this tutorial and you will be able to teach your children the pas de chat ballet dance move. Teach the pas de chat ballet mov...

News: 4 year old plays Grand Theft Auto

Are you a horrible parent if you let your 4 year old play Grand Theft Auto, a pretty vulgar and violently explicit video game? Nah. Also, your 4 year old won't play like your average 13 year old or even 17 year old. This kid, instead of beating up hookers and going on murderous rampages, drops people off at the hospital, puts out fires, and arrests criminals. Who knew?

News: 8-Year-Old Rally Kid Could Kick Your Ass in a Race

At eight years old, Kalle Rovanperä is only half the US driving age, yet I'm willing to bet he can handle a car waaaay better than you. Kalle is the son of famous Finnish rally driver Harri Rovanperä, who raced from 1993-2006 and completed 111 rallies during his career. A little training from Pop... and check it out, this kid is insane.

News: Va Va Voom! 22-Year-Old Electric Uke Virtuoso Is... Electrifying

In a word... WOW. 22-year-old Taimane Gardner, a Honolulu native, stuns the audience with her electric uke rendition of Bach's Toccata. Forget the fact that Taimane's skill level is incredible... her stage presence is insane! Taimane has been performing and winning ukulele contests since the age of five. Says Taimane: “I remember the day I got it. It was lying on the table and the first thing that popped into my head was ‘rock star’. I picked it up and played in front of the mirror until I br...

News: 10-Year-Old Girl Imitates Banksy

When children's book author Aaron Zenz took his family to see the highly acclaimed Banksy documentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop, his 10-year-old daughter Gracie was immediately inspired to become a street artist. Aaron quickly explained that "while the art was fun and the story was great, vandalism isn’t a good thing" so the family was challenged to come up with an appropriately stealthy public art project that didn't entail defacing public property. So, what do you get when you cross an in...

News: From Newborn to 10-Year-Old in 1 Minute & 25 Seconds

Kids! They grow up so fast! While parents have traditionally used growth charts to document their children's development, modern moms and dads have a far better tool: YouTube! The process is a simple one: take a snapshot every day—or nearly every day—and then, after a set interval, condense the photos into a time lapse. The end product? "Stop motion human growth."

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