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How To: Tie the slim beauty knot for fly fishing

Tie a double overhand knot 4" from the end of the shock tippet or other material to which you want to connect your class tippet. Gently tighten the double overhand knot, but only until it turns over and forms a figure-eight. This leaves two gaps through which you can pass the tippet material. Create a doubled section of your tippet 18". Putting a sharp angle on the tip of the doubled loop will help it pass through the figure-8. Pass the doubled tippet line through the top of the figure-8 knot...

How To: Identify similar terms in polynomials

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to identify similar terms in a polynomial equation. He states that in similar terms the variables and their exponents are exactly the same but they may differ in the co-efficient. He shows how to identify similar terms by using some examples. He shows that a change is even the co-efficient makes them dissimilar terms. Similar terms can be further added as the variable of both the terms is same. This video gives an idea of what similar terms are and ho...

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