Sendo Ielts Search Results

How To: Evaluate a student's written IELTS essay

In this eight-part video designed for teachers, learn how to evaluate a student's written IELTS (International English Language Testing System) essay. The IELTS is an international standardised test of English language proficiency. In these ight parts, learn how to view, analyze, and evaluate an IELTS essay.

How To: Use personal pronouns in an IELTS essay

In this video, we learn how to use personal pronouns in an IELTS essay. Pronouns are: we, I, me, you, and us. These are words we use to describe ourselves and should generally be avoided in an essay. There are times when it's difficult to avoid personal pronouns in essay, but only use these when you're being asked to or are supporting an argument. An example of how to avoid using personal pronouns is: "I believe that" could be changed to "it is believed that". Once you learn how to replace pe...

How To: Pronounce difficult sounds for the IELTS exam

EnglishRyan shows you how to pronounce difficult sounds for IELTS. Using some pronunciation technique games you can learn to pronounce difficult words. The instructor says the words and tells you how to emphasis on your mouth and say the words. There is also a game you can play at the end guessing his number by listening to pronunciation techniques. Make learn these round sounds easier by playing this game and forming your mouth in the proper way to say the words.

How To: Introduce examples in your IELTS essay

This is a video on writing essays. The video is a part of a series on essay writing. The current video involves inserting examples into an essay that you are writing. The speaker describes how to complement arguments contained within essays that provide support to the argument. The purpose is to improve the strength of arguments and, by extension, the quality of the essay. The speaker goes on to describe different phrases that are helpful in introducing examples into an essay.

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