Sentence Search Results

How To: Translate a sentence into math symbols

We will be translating the sentence "twice y differs from 5 by more than two, “into a mathematical equation. The word twice generally means two times, so 2*y (because y comes next in the sentence). Differs normally means is different and a difference from something in a mathematical sentence means subtraction most of the time, thus minus five. We don't know if we’re talking about below 5 or above 5 on the number line, so we put absolute value around the equation. More than implies a greater t...

How To: Learn basic Japanese sentence structure

In English, sentences follow the SVO, subject verb object, structure. Japanese, on the other hand goes by the SOV, subejct object verb, structure. As it's a little counter-intuitive to a non-native speaker, it can make learning the Japanese language that much tricker. Watch this video Japanese language tutorial and learn how to use and construct a sentence following proper formation rules.

How To: Magically guess a random sentence from a book

In this tutorial, learn the secret behind the magic trick. You know that amazing trick where a magician asks you to choose any line from a book and he will guess it? Well, in this video you will discover the secret behind that very trick. This is much more simple than you would think and anyone can do it with the right set up. So, check it out and start baffling your buddies.

How To: Graph compounds sentences with the word "or" in hem

A Teacher shows us how to graph compound sentences with the word "or" in them. These graphs will have arrows pointing out in different directions. On the number line draw arrows from the numbers in your compound sentence. So for example if after solving a problem with inequalities the problem has two possible answers that it could be, you would record both of the answers that it could possibly be. For our example we will use x is greater than seven, and x is less than three. You would then dr...

How To: Use English separable verb phrases for the classroom

In this video, we learn how to use English separable verb phrases for the classroom. Some basic phrases that you will need to know are "hand in", which would be used in a sentence like "he needs to hand in the assignments" or "he needs to hand this assignments in on time". If you use a pronoun, you must separate the verb phrases or the sentence will not me grammatically correct. After you have this down, practice another sentence. For the sentence, "the teacher will hand out the tests", you w...

How To: Use inseparable verb phrases in English

In this video, we learn how to use inseparable verb phrases. Inseparable verb phrases are verb phrases that can't be separated. An example of this includes: "Hiep's English wasn't very good because he dropped out of school early". In this sentence, "dropped out of" means to leave school early and cannot be separated from the rest of the sentence. Depending on the tense of the verb phrase, you will not be able to change just one word, you will have to change the entire sentence. After you find...

How To: Make the AH sound in American English

The ah sound. The jaw drops more on this sound than it does on any other vowel sound. Ah, ah. And as you can see, the tongue is laying there on the bottom of the mouth. Ah. So, the jaw drops here, make the sound, ah: pretty basic, simple, and straightforward. Ah. Sample words: father, collar, calm. Sample sentence: The party at the bar was a mob scene.

How To: Use reflexive verbs in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to use reflexive verbs in Spanish. All of the reflexive verbs are related. Once you have your verb changed, you will have to change how you are saying the different words in the sentence. If you are talking about yourself, you will have to make sure you take out "es", so you aren't saying the sentence incorrectly. If you are calling yourself something, you are reflecting the verb back to yourself. I you want to say "I talk", you will say "yo habo", because you are ...

How To: Understand the sequence of tenses for English

This video tutorial in the Language category will show you how to understand the sequence of tenses for English. This is useful when you want to change direct speech to indirect speech and also for understanding conditional sentences. When the sentence is originally in the present tense, it can be changed to past tense. For example Paul said, "I am hungry". You can change this to indirect speech either in the present tense or in the past tense. So, the sentence can be said as Paul says he is ...

How To: Braid your bangs into a bohemian twisted rope hairstyle

Classy and practical don't usually appear in the same sentence together, at leaast not when we're talking about hairstyles, but the descriptions certainly apply for this braided bohemian twist look. The French braid, which runs along the side and crown of your head, has a great princessy feel (a la Taylor Swift's favorite looks with its feminine symmetry, but it's also super functional at the same time, getting the pesky hair out of your face. Check out this video to get the how-to.

How To: Translate any text in Firefox with gTranslate

Want to know what that foreign YouTube comment says without loading a separate webpage to translate it? Downloading gTranslate, a Firefox addon that translates any text, will help you see what that comment is or any small sentence. Just highlight the text, right-click on the text and go to the translator, the foreign language will be automatically detected and translated.

How To: Double space a paragraph in MS Word in 2 clicks

In this video, we learn how to double space a paragraph in MS Word in 2 clicks. If you've needed to double space a paragraph, but didn't want to do it manually through each sentence, this will make it a lot easier. All you have to do is highlight the paragraph you are working with. After this, press the control button and the number 2. After this, the paragraph will automatically come up and show that it is double spaced. You can use this on your entire paper or just for a part of a paragraph...

How To: Use "It's + adjective + infinitive" in English

In this video, we learn how to use "It's + adjective + infinitive" in English. To form these sentences, you will use the pattern that is stated above. This is very common in the English language, and you can put whatever you want into the sentence as the infinitive. You can change this from "it's hard to do" to It's not hard to do" to "it's easy to do". You can also make something negative, by giving it the prefix "im", which would change "possible" to "impossible". You can also ad in "un" to...

How To: Describe and express personality in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to speak Spanish by describing personality. There are many words to express personality and how you are. Some of these words include "generoso" (generous), "simpatico" (nice), and "ordenado" (organized). The most common ending to words is "o", which can be used to describe yourself. Only a few words will end in "r", "e", or "a". The end of the word is important because it tells us the gender of the word. This means the adjectives will change depending on who they a...

How To: Use "live" as a verb & adjective in English

Paul, an English teacher, gives a lesson on the difference between the word "live" as a verb and as an adjective. To make to "v" sound when saying the word, the lower lip has to touch the teeth. "Live" as verb is an action, so you say "I live in Minneapolis". The singular form is "live," and the plural form is "lives". Live" as an adjective is a describing word, so you say "Live TV is fun". "Live"" as an adjective describes the subject of a sentence. "Live" as an adjective can mean something ...

How To: Start your term paper research

Katherine Miller teaches the secrets of starting your term paper research by using concept mapping method. Use a large sheet of paper and a marker to map out our ideas. First take an example like "Succeeding at college and grades" and write down the factors affecting your goal. The most common factor is money, now write down the things that has an impact on money like jobs, business and loans. The other factors are outside life, health, places for help and study habits. Simultaneously write i...

How To: Use direct objects & direct object pronouns in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to use direct objects & direct object pronouns in Spanish. A direct object is the object of the subject inside of a sentence. An example of this is "yo contesto el telefono". The direct object in this sentence is "el telefono" and the subject is "yo". The direct object is the "what" of the sentence, not the who. Another example of this is "nosotros miramos las peliculas". In this sentence, the subject is "nosotros" and the direct object is "las peliculas". Pay clos...

How To: Improve your handwriting

Have you been typing at computers for so long that your handwriting has become unreadable? Follow these steps to make your handwriting beautiful again. This Howcast guide demonstrates how to improve your handwriting - just follow the steps!

How To: Build a strong body paragraph for a school essay

In this tutorial, we learn how to build a strong body paragraph for a school essay. This consists of several sentences unified by a common point. The topic sentence is first followed by the supporting sentences. The topic sentence should express what the attitude of the topic is and describe it. Limit the scope of the topic sentence, don't make it too broad. Development is essential to an effective paragraph. It should end with a concluding sentence that is linked to the thesis statement. The...

How To: Use colons and semicolons

In this tutorial, we learn how to use colons and semicolons. You will use a colon when the second sentence is explaining a 'why' of the first sentence. You will use a semicolon when the second sentence is adding more to the first sentence, not explaining it. You can also use a colon when you are writing a long list and the sentence can't stand alone. Use a semicolon to separate two sentences that can stand independently. Knowing the difference between when to use these punctuations can mean t...

How To: Write a structured essay

Each paragraph should be roughly 4 sentences long. The first sentence is an introduction, and then you can follow up with detailed sentences. The last sentence is your conclusion. An essay follows this same makeup. The first paragraph is an introduction, and then you have detailed paragraphs, followed by a conclusion paragraph. Each sentence in your introductory paragraph can be the introductory sentence for each of your detailed paragraphs. Likewise, the conclusion sentence in your introduct...

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