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How To: Search Real-World Text for Words & Phrases Using Your iPhone

Safari has a convenient "Find" feature to search for specific words and phrases in a webpage, and Apple Books has a similar feature for e-books and PDFs. But those do nothing for you when searching text in the real world. Hardcover and paperback books are still very much a thing, as well as paper-based documents, and finding what you need is as simple as pointing your iPhone's camera at the page.

How To: Say basic greetings & phrases in Polish

Learn how to say common greetings & phrases in Polish. In this video, learn how to say "good morning" or "good afternoon", "hi", "goodbye", "bye", "bye bye", "goodnight", "same to you", "how are you?", "fine, thank you", "not too good", "so-so", "and you?" and how to ask "what's your name?" "where are you from?" and more.

How To: Add Title, Description, Keywords and/or Phrases for Xara Web Designer 7 Premium

This web design tutorial will teach you how to add titles and descriptions that are relevant to your web page. Also you will learn how to add keywords for your website by using the website properties panel to add relevant keywords and phrases to your document in Xara Web Designer. The concepts taught for this web design tutorial are also referred to as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) meta tags.

How To: Use inseparable verb phrases in English

In this video, we learn how to use inseparable verb phrases. Inseparable verb phrases are verb phrases that can't be separated. An example of this includes: "Hiep's English wasn't very good because he dropped out of school early". In this sentence, "dropped out of" means to leave school early and cannot be separated from the rest of the sentence. Depending on the tense of the verb phrase, you will not be able to change just one word, you will have to change the entire sentence. After you find...

How to Speak Haitian Creole: phrases, numbers, animals & more

In this five-part language tutorial, learn how to say simple Haitian Creole phrases & words. Part one goes over simple phrases such as "how are you", "good afternoon" and "good evening". Part two goes over how to say different animal names including cat, chicken, and cow. In part three, learn days, months, years, and numbers. Part four covers how to say phrases and words concerning family such as father, mother, brother & sister. In part five, an example conversation between two people is gon...

How to Write a song: Melodic phrases & lyric phrases

In this tutorial, we learn how to write a song using melodic phrases and lyric phrases. Instead of talking in syllables, you want to use a musical phrase. Practice humming your song without using words, so you know the road map of where the music should go. Make sure your words go with the melody of the music, and the lyrics match how the song flows. If they don't, you can create a new phrase so it matches the melody. Play your song and substitute different words to see how they fit with the ...

How To: Use English separable verb phrases for the classroom

In this video, we learn how to use English separable verb phrases for the classroom. Some basic phrases that you will need to know are "hand in", which would be used in a sentence like "he needs to hand in the assignments" or "he needs to hand this assignments in on time". If you use a pronoun, you must separate the verb phrases or the sentence will not me grammatically correct. After you have this down, practice another sentence. For the sentence, "the teacher will hand out the tests", you w...

How To: Use Siri with a Third-Party Weather App Instead of Apple's on Your iPhone

If you ask Siri to check the weather on your iPhone right now, you'll get information from the stock Weather app in iOS — even if you have and prefer other weather apps installed. But that doesn't have to be the case. Thanks to Siri Shortcuts in iOS 12 and later, you can set specific phrases that Siri will respond to for any compatible weather app you want.

How To: Ask a Polish boy out in Polish

Hey ladies! On your trip to Poland, learn how to ask those cute Polish guys out on date with a variety of phrases and questions taught in this video. A situational conversation lesson, learn how to say the following in the Polish language: "Shall we go to the swimming pool?", "Have you got a map?", "Let's meet at the bus stop" and more.

How To: Speak Icelandic phrases

By the time you watch all of the videos in this extensive language series, you’ll feel like you could jump right into a conversation in the heart of Reykjavík. Eva Natalja Robertsdattir begins with basic phrases such as “yes,” “no,” “good morning” then moves on to more advanced expressions such as “I’m afraid that I have to go now.”

How To: Use Quick Rank in AddWeb Website Promoter 8

AddWeb Website Promoter is an extremely popular program that helps webmasters promote their site on search engines. In this installment, we explore AddWeb's Quick Rank Feature.This feature allows you to run ranking reports that are not tied to profiles. You will want to do this when you want to test out keywords and phrases without committing them to be part of your normal website profile.

How To: Say common travel phrases in Italian

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn a number of useful Italian travel phrases. While Italian isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when it comes to pronunciation. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in clips like this one, which make learning both vocabulary and proper pronunciation a very easy task. For more information, and to get started using these useful Italian phrases yourself, watch this video guide.

How To: Diagram gerunds & gerund phases

For those who don't know, a gerund is a noun whose root word is formed from a verb. Anyone interested in brushing up on their grammar skills should view this video by Yossarian on how to diagram gerunds and gerund phrases. Yossarian uses various sentence examples to break down the subjects and verbs to find gerunds and gerund phrases. Learn how to break down the components of any sentence to find the gerund and gerund phrases by following this video tutorial.

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